Texas Rear-End Collision Attorneys

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents, often causing significant injuries and property damage. If you've been involved in a rear-end collision and wondering how to get compensation, Bloodworth Law Firm, PLLC, can help you understand your rights and legal options.  

A rear-end collision occurs when one vehicle crashes into the back of another. Some common causes include: 

  • Distracted driving: Texting, talking on the phone, or any activity that takes the driver’s attention off the road. 

  • Speeding: Driving at high speeds reduces reaction time and increases the severity of impacts. 

  • Tailgating: Following too closely leaves little room to react to sudden stops. 

  • Weather conditions: Rain, fog, and ice can make roads slippery and reduce visibility. 

  • Mechanical failures: Brake failures or other mechanical issues can lead to rear-end collisions. 

  • Sudden stops: Unexpected stops by the leading vehicle can catch the driver behind off guard. 

  • Driving under the influence: Alcohol and drugs impair judgment and reaction times. 

  • Inadequate surveillance: Failing to check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes or merging. 

When you need assistance with car accidents in Conroe, Texas, Huntsville, The Woodlands, Livingston, or anywhere in Texas, call Bloodworth Law Firm, PLLC, to schedule a consultation and explore your legal options. 

After a Collision

Contact a Skilled Attorney 

Common Injuries From Rear-End Collisions

Victims of rear-end collisions can suffer from various injuries, ranging from minor to severe: 

  • Whiplash: The sudden jerk of the head can cause neck strain and soft tissue injuries. 

  • Broken bones: The impact can result in fractures and broken bones. 

  • Spinal injuries: Damage to the spinal cord can have long-lasting effects. 

  • Traumatic brain injuries: The force of the collision can cause brain injuries, leading to cognitive and physical impairments. 

  • Internal bleeding: The force of the collision can cause damage to internal organs, leading to life-threatening internal bleeding. 

  • Facial injuries: Contact with the steering wheel, dashboard, or airbag can result in facial lacerations, bruising, or fractures. 

  • Psychological trauma: Victims may experience emotional distress, anxiety, or PTSD following the accident. 

Legal Considerations in Rear-End Collisions

Understanding the legal aspects of rear-end collisions can be helpful in filing claims and getting fair compensation. 

Establishing Liability 

In most rear-end collisions, the driver of the rear vehicle is presumed to be at fault. However, there are exceptions where the front vehicle may share some responsibility, such as: 

  • Sudden stops: If the front vehicle makes an abrupt stop without reason. 

  • Reversing: If the front vehicle is reversing when the collision occurs. 

  • Vehicle malfunctions: If the front vehicle has faulty brake lights or turn signals. 

  • Multiple vehicles: In chain-reaction accidents involving multiple vehicles, determining fault can be more complicated, with the potential for shared liability among several drivers. 

  • Road hazards: If the front vehicle swerves or stops abruptly to avoid a road hazard, and the rear vehicle fails to react appropriately, liability may be based on the specific circumstances of the hazard and the drivers' actions. 

Types of Compensation 

Victims of rear-end collisions may be entitled to various forms of compensation, including: 

  • Medical expenses: Covers costs for hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation. 

  • Lost wages: Compensation for the income lost due to inability to work. 

  • Pain and suffering: Monetary compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident. 

  • Property damage: Covers repairs or replacement of your vehicle and other damaged property. 

  • Loss of consortium: Compensation for the impact on your marital relationship due to injuries sustained in the accident. 

  • Punitive damages: In cases of egregious or reckless behavior by the at-fault driver, additional monetary compensation may be awarded as a form of punishment. 

  • Out-of-pocket expenses: Reimbursement for additional costs incurred due to the accident, such as transportation to medical appointments or home care services. 

Rear-End Collisions in Texas

The state of Texas follows a "comparative negligence" rule, meaning the compensation you can receive may be reduced by your percentage of fault in the accident. For example, if you are found to be 20% at fault, your compensation will be reduced by 20%. 

Texas has a statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims. You have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. Failing to do so within this timeframe can result in losing your right to seek compensation. 

Texas also requires drivers involved in rear-end collisions to report the accident to law enforcement if it results in injury, death, or property damage exceeding $1,000.  

Drivers in Texas are required to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance to cover potential damages in the event of a collision, ensuring that victims can seek compensation for their losses. 

Rear-End Collision Attorneys in Texas

Bloodworth Law Firm, PLLC, offers legal services marked by integrity and attention to detail. The team includes William D. Bloodworth II, a board-certified family law attorney, and N Tina Markham, both of whom bring years of experience and a steadfast commitment to every case they handle. Call today to schedule your free consultation.